You can book hotels for few hours for as low as 3 hours to 12 hours. Just login to and book Sanitized, Convenient hotels for few hours.
Brevistay works best for guests with a long transit layover or business travelers who have scattered meetings. Many hotels near the airport and stations offer these facilities and are Brevistay partner hotels as these guests are willing to pay to spend a few hours in a hotel rather than using the lounge. Furthermore, we have a diverse portfolio of hotels under our umbrella that cater to customers like- backpackers, leisure travelers, business travelers, and student travelers.
Yes, Brevistay ensures that all hotels for couples are well sanitized and disinfected considering the safety of the customers. Book hotels, which are hygienically maintained through Brevistay.
Brevistay is the fastest growing hourly hotel brand in India. Starting off with just five cities, we have grown by leaps and bounds to be presently operating with over 10,000+ rooms in 7000+ hotels across 150+ cities in India. With us, your rescue to find hotel rooms for few hours is no longer a problem! We’ll help you to get hourly rooms for 3 hours, 6 hours and 12 hours and pay accordingly.